Bayside FC Pre-season Summer Classic
Hosted at Providence Country Day in E. Providence, ForeKicks in Taunton and Wheeler School in Seekonk from August 22-24, 2025.
This event is open to boys & girls teams U8 to U15. Top clubs from MLS Next, GA, NAL, NE Academy and NECSL will participate.
Bayside Summer Classic is the best way to kickoff your season against the region’s best competition!
u9-u10 (7v7): $995
u11-u12 (9v9): $1095
u13-u15 (11v11): $1195
2024 Winners
- Bayside 16B Red
- Seacoast MA U10 Boys Navy
- Mass City BU10 Volt
- NEFC pre-MLS Red
- Boston Bolts So. Shore pre NAL
- SFC New England Blue 2014B
- Boston Bolts Northeast Academy U12 White
- IFA EDS Cen 2013 Boys Blue
- Boston Bolts Merrimack Valley 2013 Elite
- FC Stars EDNL RL Boys 2012
- Boston Bolts 2011 NAL
- IFA EDS N Blue 2011
- Smithtown Kickers LI Slammers 2010
- Bayside pre-GA 14G Red
- Fc Stars ECNL RL Blue 2011
- Mass City BU9 Volt
- FC Juventud New England White 2015
- FC Juventud New England Black 2015
- Boston Bolts Northeast Academy U11 White
- NEFC Metrowest 2014 pre-NAL
- Mass City Bu11 Volt
- NEFC pre-MLS 2013 Navy
- IFA U12 pre NAL Blue
- SFC New England 2013B Blue
- Bayside 12B NAL
- FC Juventud New England 2012
- Seacoast MA 2011 NAL
- IFA EDS N U13 Gold
- FC Juventud New England 2010
- Bayside pre-GA 13G
- FC Stars ECNL RL White 2011
Important Tournament Dates
- Registration Deadline: July 31
- Accepted Teams posted
Bracket released - Initial Schedule Release
- Final Schedules Posted: August 9